Faith Formation

Camp Scholarship for girls grades 6-8

Catholic Daughters of the Americas are offering “Camperships” to girls in grades 6-8 who would like to attend St. Therese’s Camp this summer. Download the application form here.

Cover Letter

It's that time of the year again when our local Catholic Daughters of the America's are offering (3) Camperships to St. Therese's Camp in Wasilla for the 2022 summer session; for students currently in 6th, 7th or 8th grades.

A 250-300 word essay written or typed on "When and how might I encounter Jesus at Camp"? Applications and more information are available at your Parish or Catholic School office or can be emailed to you by contacting You can also call Kerry at 907-230-4726.

Application and essay must be entirely completed and postmarked no later than March 15, 2022 and sent to the CDA Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 243953, Anchorage, Alaska 99524-3953. Please encourage your youth to participate!

Faith Formation Mid-Semester Survey

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Confirmation Retreat & Service Project

The Confirmation Retreat will be held October 1-3. Meet at the parish at 5pm Friday and we will return at 10:45 on Sunday, concluding with a commissioning at the 11am Mass.

During the retreat, we will talk more about saints, sponsors, and service projects. An overview of the whole Confirmation process is available here.

Download the Retreat packet and packing list here.

Download the Service Project packet here.

Faith Formation Pre-Launch Reminders

If you did not receive this letter via email, YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED FOR FAITH FORMATION. (Check your spam folder to confirm.)

Hello, everyone!

We are so excited to begin Faith Formation classes in-person this fall! Here are a few notes as we prepare for our first class on Sunday, August 22 at 9:45am – 10:45am here at the church… black text is for reference, italics are action items.



The PDF calendar (and COVID mitigation plan) is available here. If you keep a digital calendar, you can add our digital calendar to yours here.


Each Faith Formation family will have a “mailbox” or cubby in the fellowship hall, next to the water fountain. This will make it easier to disseminate the proper info and books to each family. There is material in your box for pickup this weekend!

What happens each Sunday?

Students will alternate between family sessions and classroom sessions every other week (there is programming for students every week!). Parents attend Family Sessions with their children (see below).

About Classrooms.

The following grade levels are learning together: 1-3, 4-5, 6-7, and 8+ (there are currently no kindergarteners signed up). Students in grades 1-5 are in classrooms on August 22, and students in grades 6+ meet in classrooms on August 29.

About Family Sessions.

PARENTS AND CHILDREN ATTEND FAMILY SESSIONS TOGETHER. If both parents are unavailable during class time, children may attend with another family member or grandparent, an adult sibling, or a sitter.

Students in grades 6+ are in family sessions on August 22, and students in grades 1-5 meet in family sessions on August 29. If a family has students in both 6+ and 1-5 ranges, they will attend family sessions weekly; pairs of sessions will be similar but adjusted accordingly for age-appropriate learning.

I’d like to provide everyone with nametags at the Family Sessions. Please email me and let me know which parent/family member(s) will be attending Family Session with your student so I can print nametags (blank tags will be available for guests).

Sessions for Parents.

Parents (and all adults!) are invited to attend Adult Faith Formation on Sundays (if/when all their children are attending a classroom session), beginning September 12.

An additional faith formation opportunity is the RCIA, or Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (this works well if parents are attending Family Sessions both weekends for multiple children). Classes will be offered in the evenings- stay tuned for more information.

About Sacraments.

Confirmation orientation will be held during the August 22 Family Session, and First Communion orientation will be held during the August 29 Family Session. An initial sacrament flyer for sacrament-aged families is in your “church mailbox” this week (see the Mailbox section above). If your child was not baptized at Holy Cross, you will need to provide a copy of his/her baptismal certificate- if you have not done this already.

Latest News.

All news and updates will be emailed and posted online here.


I’ll send another email next week with more information. If you have any questions in the meantime, please email me at or call/text (907) 306-9363.

Thank you!

Anna Schulten

Keep reading…

Orientation part 2 available here.

Curriculum Overview

Every family will receive a pair of books: “A Family of Faith” by Sophia Institute. One is a parent book and one is a student activity book. We will use these during EACH family session, all year long. You’re welcome to take them home to do extra activities during the week. You can also leave them in your mailbox at the church.

Every class except Confirmation will be using Gospel Weeklies by Pflaum (it’s a Sunday Gospel-based curriculum). Their books begin on Sept. 19, so the first few classes will focus on scripture, the Mass, and building classroom community.

The Confirmation class will be using Decision Point by Dynamic Catholic. View the videos here.

The First Communion students will receive an additional pair of books for sacramental preparation: a series called “Blessed” by Dynamic Catholic. View the videos here.

Faith Formation Digital Calendar

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The PDF version is available here.

Please note that any updates we make to the calendar will NOT be reflected on your digital calendar. The latest updates on any weather- or COVID-related cancellations will be posted on the home page of our website in the “News” section at the bottom.

To add our Faith Formation calendar to your personal calendar:


  • Click here.

  • Press the (+) Google Calendar button in the bottom right corner.

  • Follow the prompts.

A different calendar (iCal format):

  • Click here.

  • Import the file using your preferred calendar system.

  • Follow the prompts.

Sacrament Update: One-Year Preparation

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Students begin participation in Faith Formation in Kindergarten. They receive the sacrament of First Communion in the spring of their 2nd grade year.

This year, Confirmation preparation is for students in 8th grade and older. All students in 8th grade and above begin classes in August and receive the sacrament in May 2022.

Please note this is a change on 7/29/2021 and is not reflected in earlier promotional materials! Contact Anna with any questions: call/text (907) 306-9363 or email

July 25 Letter from the Director

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This Sunday and the next two Sundays are all food-themed. Jesus knows we are hungry, and he feeds us through things we can touch: bread and wine, the Eucharist, and community.

If you’ve ever cooked for a crowd, you know how stressful the experience can be. There’s the cooking, sure, but there’s also the shopping, the dishes and the drinks, setting the table, and cleanup… not to mention what we’ll talk about and how we can make our guests feel welcome. 

It can be done alone... maybe? But it is definitely better when you have other people to help you.

Either way, cooking for a crowd is so rewarding: we’re nourished by the food and the hard work and friendship that the host brings to the experience.

Working at Holy Cross is like preparing a meal for a crowd. Sometimes we actually do feed you, with pancakes and bake sales and tea parties. Other times, we feed your mind and your soul: in Mass and in Faith Formation classes. 

So now, the question is this: How can I, Anna Schulten, hope to serve the spiritual needs of 400 families in our parish, when each family is totally unique and has so many different needs? The short answer is, I can’t. But in Christ, we can. 

And by “we,” I don’t just mean Fr. Pat, and Fr. Dan, and Chelsea and I. I mean you, and me. All of us. Together.

Ok, that’s a nice idea, but let’s make it concrete. How do we serve families in Faith Formation? We need teachers, yes, definitely, please, but also people willing to provide hospitality and assistance in family sessions, to volunteer on retreats, help with behind-the-scenes setup and prep work... and underlying all this is the reality of prayer.

So first, in August, we’re praying a novena to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots…. more about that next week. Second, I cannot provide this whole meal alone. There’s only one of me. I need support from parishioners in all walks of life, with varying levels of commitment- parents volunteer to help during classroom sessions, but we especially need those who don’t have children, so parents can be free during family sessions to learn with their family.

So, if you have children, register for Faith Formation online (or in the foyer). The early bird discount ends Friday. If you’re immunocompromised or need special accommodations, let me know, and we’ll meet you where you are. See the bulletin insert for more, but let me end with this...

Christ is alive in our parish, and he will multiply our gifts if we ask him... but we are the ones who carry the bread and fish to our brothers and sisters- here in the parish, and out into the world. This week, please consider how you can support our families this fall and let me know how you plan to give back. Thank you.

-Anna Schulten
Call/text (907) 306-9363

Faith Formation Update

Register by July 30 and save $10!

Just a reminder to register for Faith Formation before next Friday (July 30) to receive the $10 discount. Scholarships are also available upon request.

If you need special accommodations or have any questions, please let me know! The best way to reach me is via email ( or text: (907) 306-9363.

Save the Dates

  • July 29: Online Volunteer Training Launch

  • July 30: Early Bird Discount deadline

  • August 8: Volunteer Training Part 1

  • August 15: Picnic & Volunteer Training Part 2

  • August 22: Classes begin

Why Volunteer?

Because our young people flourish in a community of faith that demonstrates love and support by word and action.

And because we are better when we work together.

An online Volunteer Orientation (a series of <5 minute videos) will be launched next week, which can be completed at your leisure.

We will host two in-person training sessions for leaders, between the two Masses (9:45-10:45am):

  • August 8: On Family Sessions and Gospel-themed education

  • August 15: On Classroom Sessions

To volunteer, complete this interest form or contact Anna directly:

Faith Formation Early Bird Discount

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Register by July 30 and take $10 off student fees.

On or before July 30:

1 child: $65*
2 children: $105*
3+ children: $140*
First Communion Year B: $65/student
Confirmation Retreat (Year A & B): $125/student

July 31 forward:

1 child: $75*
2 children: $115*
3+ children: $150*
First Communion Year B: $65/student
Confirmation Retreat (Year A & B): $125/student

This fee is waived if at least one parent is a teacher or co-teacher during classes.

Learn more about our program here.

Letter from the Faith Formation Director

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Dear Parish Families,

This fall, God willing, we’re going to offer faith formation classes in-person, here at the parish, for all ages. This transition is an opportunity to be more intentional about what we do, so my question to you is this: what does your family need to grow together in faith? 

We’re looking at a two-part approach to faith formation this fall: students spend one weekend in age-group classes and the next weekend in family sessions, where kids and parents learn together, in groups with other Holy Cross families. 

Please note that this program isn’t for perfect families, because there is no such thing. This program is for real families, who are facing real challenges, but who love each other and want to learn more about their faith within our parish community.

Holy Cross is an incredibly diverse parish, and we want to accompany all our parishioners and celebrate the value cultural diversity brings to our community. Queremos acompañar las familias hispanohablantes tambien, porque somos una iglesia y una familia en Cristo... y queremos incluir a toda tu familia en esta iniciativa: padres e hijos, aprendiendo juntos. 

In Pope Francis’s letter, Amoris Laetitia, he says this: “To foster an integral education, we need to renew the covenant between the family and the Christian community.” (279) So, how can we at Holy Cross do more to love and support your family-- and all our families? Even if you don’t have children (or if your children are all grown up), we are all part of this Christian community. It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a parish to raise a Catholic.

So, what’s next? Read this insert about two proposals for Fall Faith Formation. I’m having a meeting this Wednesday at 6:30pm to talk about these proposals, and I hope you can join us. If Wednesday doesn’t work for you, please reach out to me this week-- I would love to hear your thoughts on this so we can move forward together. Thank you.

Anna Schulten
Director of Faith Formation
(907) 349-8388

PS: if you’re curious, here’s a sample of classroom arrangements for Fall 2021 (view the full details of both Proposals A & B in the June 20 bulletin insert).