Faith Formation Pre-Launch Reminders

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Hello, everyone!

We are so excited to begin Faith Formation classes in-person this fall! Here are a few notes as we prepare for our first class on Sunday, August 22 at 9:45am – 10:45am here at the church… black text is for reference, italics are action items.



The PDF calendar (and COVID mitigation plan) is available here. If you keep a digital calendar, you can add our digital calendar to yours here.


Each Faith Formation family will have a “mailbox” or cubby in the fellowship hall, next to the water fountain. This will make it easier to disseminate the proper info and books to each family. There is material in your box for pickup this weekend!

What happens each Sunday?

Students will alternate between family sessions and classroom sessions every other week (there is programming for students every week!). Parents attend Family Sessions with their children (see below).

About Classrooms.

The following grade levels are learning together: 1-3, 4-5, 6-7, and 8+ (there are currently no kindergarteners signed up). Students in grades 1-5 are in classrooms on August 22, and students in grades 6+ meet in classrooms on August 29.

About Family Sessions.

PARENTS AND CHILDREN ATTEND FAMILY SESSIONS TOGETHER. If both parents are unavailable during class time, children may attend with another family member or grandparent, an adult sibling, or a sitter.

Students in grades 6+ are in family sessions on August 22, and students in grades 1-5 meet in family sessions on August 29. If a family has students in both 6+ and 1-5 ranges, they will attend family sessions weekly; pairs of sessions will be similar but adjusted accordingly for age-appropriate learning.

I’d like to provide everyone with nametags at the Family Sessions. Please email me and let me know which parent/family member(s) will be attending Family Session with your student so I can print nametags (blank tags will be available for guests).

Sessions for Parents.

Parents (and all adults!) are invited to attend Adult Faith Formation on Sundays (if/when all their children are attending a classroom session), beginning September 12.

An additional faith formation opportunity is the RCIA, or Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (this works well if parents are attending Family Sessions both weekends for multiple children). Classes will be offered in the evenings- stay tuned for more information.

About Sacraments.

Confirmation orientation will be held during the August 22 Family Session, and First Communion orientation will be held during the August 29 Family Session. An initial sacrament flyer for sacrament-aged families is in your “church mailbox” this week (see the Mailbox section above). If your child was not baptized at Holy Cross, you will need to provide a copy of his/her baptismal certificate- if you have not done this already.

Latest News.

All news and updates will be emailed and posted online here.


I’ll send another email next week with more information. If you have any questions in the meantime, please email me at or call/text (907) 306-9363.

Thank you!

Anna Schulten

Keep reading…

Orientation part 2 available here.