General Interest

Podcast Corner

Browse a list of Anna and Chelsea’s favorite Catholic Podcasts…


Saint Stories for Kids (website)(Apple)(Google)

Catholic Sprouts (website)(Apple)(Google)

Catholicism with my Kid (website)(Apple)(Google)


Catholic Momcast (website)(Apple)(Google)

Made for Greatness (website)(Apple)(Google)

500 Seconds to Joy (website)(Apple)(Google)


Strong Catholic Dad (website)(Apple)(Google)

The Catholic Gentleman (website)(Apple)(Google)

The Catholic Dadcast (website)(Apple)(Google)


The Bible in a Year (website)(Apple)(Google)

Bishop Barron’s Sermons (website)(Apple)(Google)

Every Knee Shall Bow (website)(Apple)(Google)

Please note that these podcasts are for personal interest only, and theological content in the audio or connected website is not 100% screened, nor endorsed by Holy Cross, the Archdiocese, or the Church.