Opening Prayer
The Button Prayer
Large Group Activity: Who is Jesus?
Write ABC’s on the left edge of the paper. Then, you have 3 minutes to write down words that describe Jesus— Amazing, Blessed, Compassionate… etc. We will write these words on a giant cutout of Jesus.
Breakout Sessions:
1. We Look Like Jesus
Take turns tracing silhouettes of each other in profile… the child sits in the spotlight while the parent traces his/her shadow onto a piece of 11x17 paper. Then the parent sits while the child traces (volunteers will be available to help facilitate this). Then, trace the line in marker and decorate the background as desired. Write your name at the bottom of your picture. We will use these at closing.
2. We Act Like Jesus
Use beads and string to make “Good Deed Beads.” While you’re stringing beads, discuss: what are the most challenging or boring parts of your day you can offer to God?
Closing Activity: We See Jesus in Others
Using the silhouettes created during breakouts, visit other families / classmates and write affirmations inside the silhouette. Which of Jesus’s qualities do you see in others?