Podcast Corner

Browse a list of Anna and Chelsea’s favorite Catholic Podcasts…


Saint Stories for Kids (website)(Apple)(Google)

Catholic Sprouts (website)(Apple)(Google)

Catholicism with my Kid (website)(Apple)(Google)


Catholic Momcast (website)(Apple)(Google)

Made for Greatness (website)(Apple)(Google)

500 Seconds to Joy (website)(Apple)(Google)


Strong Catholic Dad (website)(Apple)(Google)

The Catholic Gentleman (website)(Apple)(Google)

The Catholic Dadcast (website)(Apple)(Google)


The Bible in a Year (website)(Apple)(Google)

Bishop Barron’s Sermons (website)(Apple)(Google)

Every Knee Shall Bow (website)(Apple)(Google)

Please note that these podcasts are for personal interest only, and theological content in the audio or connected website is not 100% screened, nor endorsed by Holy Cross, the Archdiocese, or the Church.

Letter from the Faith Formation Director

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Dear Parish Families,

This fall, God willing, we’re going to offer faith formation classes in-person, here at the parish, for all ages. This transition is an opportunity to be more intentional about what we do, so my question to you is this: what does your family need to grow together in faith? 

We’re looking at a two-part approach to faith formation this fall: students spend one weekend in age-group classes and the next weekend in family sessions, where kids and parents learn together, in groups with other Holy Cross families. 

Please note that this program isn’t for perfect families, because there is no such thing. This program is for real families, who are facing real challenges, but who love each other and want to learn more about their faith within our parish community.

Holy Cross is an incredibly diverse parish, and we want to accompany all our parishioners and celebrate the value cultural diversity brings to our community. Queremos acompañar las familias hispanohablantes tambien, porque somos una iglesia y una familia en Cristo... y queremos incluir a toda tu familia en esta iniciativa: padres e hijos, aprendiendo juntos. 

In Pope Francis’s letter, Amoris Laetitia, he says this: “To foster an integral education, we need to renew the covenant between the family and the Christian community.” (279) So, how can we at Holy Cross do more to love and support your family-- and all our families? Even if you don’t have children (or if your children are all grown up), we are all part of this Christian community. It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a parish to raise a Catholic.

So, what’s next? Read this insert about two proposals for Fall Faith Formation. I’m having a meeting this Wednesday at 6:30pm to talk about these proposals, and I hope you can join us. If Wednesday doesn’t work for you, please reach out to me this week-- I would love to hear your thoughts on this so we can move forward together. Thank you.

Anna Schulten
Director of Faith Formation
(907) 349-8388

PS: if you’re curious, here’s a sample of classroom arrangements for Fall 2021 (view the full details of both Proposals A & B in the June 20 bulletin insert).