At a Glance:
This Family Session provides a basic orientation for families, and focuses on “The Universal Call to Holiness.”
What is Holiness?
Practice looking verses up in the Bible (1 Peter 1:14-16 and Colossians 3:12-17) and the Catechism (CCC 2013).
Breakout Sessions:
Icebreaker: Mix Tape
If Family Session had a just-for-fun playlist, what song would you nominate? The song you pick…
Must be appropriate for all ages (clean!)
Can be religious, but doesn’t have to be
Take Your Space
Using this printout, fill the silhouette with descriptions of yourself. Begin with basics: parent, child, sibling, Catholic/Christian, student, [job], etc.
Then, add other fun titles that are particular to your family: Chief Puppy Snuggler, Sneakiest Practical Jokester, Champion Mario Kart Competitor, etc.
At the end, each person picks a serious title and a silly one, and discuss: what are some things you can do to be a better ___________?
Family Photo
Have your family picture taken for Holy Cross’s photo directory (optional).
Patron Saint of the Week
Learn about our saint, and complete the discussion questions.
“All About” Booklet
Print this booklet, cut, fold, and complete each page.
If you have time, decorate a cover for the small photo album. Add your saint card, “All About” booklet, and any other material you’d like to save.
Family Crest
Read about Pope Francis’s and Archbishop Bellisario’s crests and coat of arms. Then, design your own!
Small Groups
Families will break out into small groups and introduce each other, using at least one activity from above.
Find 3 things your families have in common.
Browse patron saint profiles and choose a patron saint for your small group.
Swap prayer intentions: how can I pray for you this week?
First Communion Meeting
Resources available here.