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Circle of Grace (grades 6+)

This week’s class will focus on the Circle of Grace training.

Circle of Grace is not a protection program focused on stranger-danger. Our Family Session focuses on each person’s uniqueness and how we can practice safe and healthy relationships with others.

Class at a glance:

Making a PLAAN

P: Protect with respect (Activity 1)

L: Listen to the Holy Spirit (Activity 2)

A: Ask questions when you feel uncomfortable

A: Act. Speak your needs and react to keep yourself and others safe.

N: Notify a trusted adult (Activity 3)

PDF p. 3-4: Opening Prayer

p. 5-6: Orientation: What is a Circle of Grace?

p. 6-7: Activity #1: The puzzle that is you (printout)

Cut out a puzzle piece and write or draw things that express the real you, based on the prompts from p. 7: what do you love? What are your hopes? Who do you look up to? This activity highlights each person’s dignity: we all deserve respect and protection.

p. 8-12: Activity #2: Safe & Unsafe Scenarios (printout)

Because we are each unique and made in the image of God, we recognize safe and unsafe scenarios so we can protect ourselves and others.

For each scenario (we’ll do #3, 5, and 8-10 during class), identify which emotions you might feel in that situation, whether it is a safe or unsafe situation, and why or why not.

p. 13-14: Discussion: Family Strategy

A: Ask questions when you feel uncomfortable.

A: Act. Speak your needs and react to keep yourself and others safe.

What’s your family’s strategy, buzz word, etc. when you need to get out of an unsafe situation? How will you (the student) know it’s time to put that plan into action? Revisit scenario 9 or 10 and talk through what you would do.

p. 14-15: Activity #3: Trusted Adults

Who are three adults in your life (besides your parents) whom you trust and would be comfortable approaching when you are in trouble?

p. 16: Closing Prayer

p. 17-18: Optional follow-up discussion after class: Protecting Boundaries

Earlier Event: January 30
Later Event: February 13
Circle of Grace (grades K-5)