Faith Formation begins this Sunday!

In case you missed it, Part 1 of this email orientation is available here.

Hello, everyone!

Classes begin this Sunday promptly at 9:45am. I recommend you arrive around ~9:30 to find your classrooms, meet fellow families, classmates, and catechists, and get settled in.

Where to go:

K-3: Library

4-5: Youth Room

Grades 6+ and parents: Begin in church, move to fellowship hall (parents ALWAYS attend Family Sessions each week).

If you are the parent of a child in grades K-5 only, there will be an adult bible study during class time that begins September 12.

Check your mailboxes.

The timeline and Family Session orientation will be in your box (sneak peek: it’s available online here).

Family Books.

Each family receives two “Family of Faith” books- one is a parent book and one is a student activity book. We will use these during EACH family session, all year long. You’re welcome to take them home to do extra activities during the week. You can also leave them in your mailbox at the church.

If you registered after 8/15, you might not receive a pair of Family Books until next weekend (I have ordered more and they’re on their way). Info on classroom books available here.

Sacrament Forms.

If you have a child receiving a sacrament this year (First Communion in 2nd grade, Confirmation in 8th grade or older, or a “catchup year”), please note there is a second form (online here). If you’re not sure if you did this already, stop by the “Help Desk” table at the entrance when you arrive and we will confirm. There is also a sacrament fee that is separate from the basic registration fee (see below). It covers the retreat costs.

Payment / Scholarships.

This year’s fees are as follows:

  • 1 child: $75

  • 2 children: $115

  • 3+ children: $150

Sacramental fees (In addition to the fees above):

  • First Communion (2nd): $65/child

  • Confirmation Retreat (8th+): $125/teen

No one will be turned away due to financial hardship; please contact us if you'd like to apply for a scholarship.


Volunteers will be working a “Help Desk,” a black table by the entrance. They can answer almost all of your faith formation questions. I will be available before or during after class, and am happy to meet one-on-one during the week (Fridays and Saturdays are my days off).

A few last reminders…

  • Everyone is “requested” to wear a mask.

  • If you aren’t able to attend because of travel or illness, please let Anna know via call/text: (907) 306-9363.

  • If you didn’t receive this in an email, you are not registered. Please register here.

See you Sunday!

Anna Schulten