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Grades 7-12: Beatitudes and 10 Commandments

No Prayer of the week


We played 5 games:

  • The leader calls out one of the 10 Commandments and each players tries to hit the red cup that has the right number on it.

  • Players will sit around a circle and pass a stuffed animal around while music is playing. Once the music stops and whoever has the stuffed animal has to say one of the 10 Commandments.

  • Label 8 bowling pins with the 8 Beatitudes. The leader will say a prompt that correlates with one of the Beatitudes, and the players race to get the bowling ball to hit the right Beatitude.

  • One player will be blindfolded while the others will move and buzz around. The person who is blindfolded has to tag people who buzzes.

  • Players will find items around and try to correlate it with the 8 Beatitudes. Link to the answers.