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Classroom Session 6-12


Read this PDF.

Print these quotes. Then, working with one quote at a time, read the quote and highlight, underline, or circle words or phrases that stand out. Before moving on to the next quote, share why you choose certain words or phrases.

• Saint John Chrysostom: “O Death, where is your sting? O hell, where is your victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life reigns” (The Paschal Homily).

• Saint Josemaria Escriva: “The Lord’s triumph, on the day of the Resurrection, is final. ... Be filled with hope: Jesus Christ is always victorious” (The Forge, 660).

• Saint John Paul II: “There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us. There is no enemy that Christ has not already conquered. There is no cross to bear that Christ has not already born for us, and does not now bear with us” (Homily, 1995).

Answer these questions:

  • If you could be in the hall of fame for one thing, what would it be?

  • Who inspires you?

  • What about their life resonates with you?

  • Why is it important that we have saints to look up to?

8th Grade Variation:

  • How does this saint inspire you to have hope in Jesus’ promise of new life? If the example of this particular saint does not resonate with you, is there another saint who inspires you?

  • What situation in your life would you like Jesus to transform or bring new life to?

When you’re done, summarize here.


Read this PDF. Use this guide to explore the story and scripture.

When you’re done, summarize here.