Week 5: Tidbits

Vatican II documents and summaries:


1. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium): The church is a mystery, or sacrament, the whole People of God, in whose service the hierarchy is placed. The authority of pope and bishops is to be exercised as a service and in a collegial mode. Bishops are not simply the vicars of the pope, and the laity participate fully and directly in the church’s mission.

2. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes): The church must read the signs of the times and interpret them in the light of the Gospel. The church does not exist alongside or apart from the world; the church is part of the world, and its mission is to serve the whole human family in order to make the human race’s history more human.

3. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium): The church proclaims the Gospel not only in word but also in sacrament, or by sacred signs. Since the whole People of God is involved in this worship, the signs must be intelligible.

4. Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum)The Word of God is communicated through sacred scripture, sacred tradition, and the teaching authority of the church, all linked together and directed by the Holy Spirit. The sacred realities are always open in principle to a growth in understanding.


5. Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis Redintegratio): Christian unity is a matter of restoration, not of a return to Rome; other Christian communities are churches within the Body of Christ; and both sides were to blame for the divisions of the church.

6. Declaration on Religious Freedom (Dignitatis Humanae)No one is to be forced in any way to embrace the Christian or the Catholic faith. This principle is rooted in human dignity and the freedom of the act of faith.

7. Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (Nostrae Aetate)God speaks also through other religions, so we should engage in dialogue and other collaborative efforts with them. The Jews have a special relationship to the church. They cannot be blamed for the death of Jesus.

8. Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity (Ad Gentes): The Gospel is to be preached also and always to non-Christians, but not as a culturally alien reality. Evangelization is an obligation for every member of the church.

9. Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity (Apostolicam Actuositatem)The laity participates in the mission of the church, but especially in the temporal order.

10. Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches (Orientalium Ecclesiarum): The Eastern Catholic, or “Uniate,” churches can be a bridge to the Orthodox East. The integrity of Eastern traditions of liturgy, spirituality, and discipline is to be restored.

11. Decree on the Bishops’ Pastoral Office in the Church (Christus Dominus): Bishops are the pastors of their own local churches, and collaborate with other bishops through episcopal conferences and with the pope and all other bishops through the episcopal college. Authority is always for service.

12. Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests (Presbyterorum Ordinis): Priests are members of a presbytery in union with a bishop, and with him serve the building up of Christ’s body.

13. Decree on Priestly Formation (Optatam Totius)There must be a closer connection between seminary training and the pastoral situation.

14. Decree on the Appropriate Renewal of the Religious Life (Perfectae Caritatis): The renewal of religious life (a life lived according to the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience) must be based on the Gospel, the original purposes of the community, and the changed conditions of the times.

15. Declaration on Christian Education (Gravissimum Educationis): Education must be broadly humane and up-to-date, with a concern for personal maturity and social responsibility.

16. Decree on the Instruments of Social Communication (Inter Mirifica): The church must be vigilant toward the media because of the ever-present danger of their abuse, but must also use the media where opportune.

See more writings by recent popes:

OCIA Calendar

Week 1: Scripture (Feb. 10)

Week 2: Sacraments (Feb. 17)

Week 3: Life & Lists (Feb. 24)

Week 3.5: On Marriage with Fr. Pat (Mar. 3)

Week 5: Prayer and Lent (Mar. 10)

Week 6: (Mar. 17)

Week 7: On Reconciliation with Fr. Dan (Mar. 24)

Week 8: Parish Mission (Mar. 28-31)

Week 9: Slow Mass with Fr. Pat (April 7)

April 14: Holy Thursday Mass @7pm

Easter Vigil: April 16 @8pm (rehearsal TBA)

Unscheduled topics:

  • First Reconciliation: at Parish Reconciliation Service (Mar. 30) or scheduled separately

  • Prayer

  • The Mass

  • Morality

  • Parenting / Baptism Class?

Week 2: Sacraments

Outlines of the Faith book, p. 19-43

Resources & Further Reading

Learn more from the USCCB (US Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Sacrament Chart

5 Eucharistic miracles in the last 25 years

Eucharistic miracles, listed by country, compiled by Blessed Carlos Acutis (A Millennial on the way to sainthood)

How to go to confession (kid’s booklet) (examination of conscience for teens/adults)

An article on the 3 types of holy oils

Pastoral resources (prayer & growing in faith): Foryourmarriage.org

Educational resources about marriage: marriageuniqueforareason.org

Sacrament sketch videos

5 of the 7 sacraments currently available. Click the 1/5 button in the corner of the video to switch between videos.

What is OCIA?

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the process of becoming Catholic. It was formerly known as “RCIA” (the “R” used to stand for “Rite”).

We meet and discuss the Catholic faith— all are welcome, regardless of background, current faith, age, or state in life.

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Every Knee Shall Bow Podcast

Catholics are legendary for being pretty tight-lipped when it comes to evangelization. But the Catholic faith is awesome, and so are lay evangelists Mike and Dave. As podcast hosts of Every Knee Shall Bow, they are a match made in heaven (literally).

Their new podcast series will give you the tools to confidently share your Catholic faith with your family members, friends, co-workers, and the strangers forced to sit next to you on airplanes. Every episode, Mike and Dave will give you five steps you can take each week to spread the Gospel, heal hearts, and renew the Church. 

Michael “Gomer” Gormley

Michael has been leading evangelization and ministry efforts for the past ten years, both as a full-time parish staff member and as a speaker and consultant for parishes, dioceses, and Catholic campus ministries.

Michael is also the founder and creative director of LayEvangelist.com, and the producer and cohost of a Catholic young adult podcast Catching Foxes, which discusses the collision of Faith and Culture.

He is married to his college sweetheart, Shannon, and they have about 1,000 children and get about 3 hours of sleep a night, which is alright by him.


David “Dave” VanVickle

Dave VanVickle fell in love with the Lord at the age of fourteen and has since dedicated his life to bringing others into a radical relationship with Christ.

Dave is a speaker and retreat leader who focuses on proclaiming the universal call to holiness, authentic Catholic spirituality, spiritual warfare and deliverance. Additionally, Dave has over ten years of experience assisting Priests with their ministries of exorcism and deliverance.

Dave resides in Pittsburgh with his wife Amber and their five children: Sam, Max, Judah, Josie and Louisa.


Every Knee Shall Bow Website