Holy Cross is a diverse and welcoming Catholic Church in the Anchorage area, committed to bringing the Good News of Christ to all.
Holy Cross Parish is one of the smallest parishes in the Anchorage city limits. We have an extremely diverse congregation, including Filipino, Latino, Polish, and Native cultures, to name a few.
Pray with us
Browse Mass times, or click the button below to watch Facebook livestream.
Join a Ministry
Our parish ministries focus on worship, service, education, and community.
Visit our parish
We host a large parish library, plus an outdoor Stations of the Cross.
Support our work
Your generosity empowers our community to grow together in faith and service.
Events Calendar
Holy Cross follows the school district’s cancellation schedule (if the schools are closed, so is the office). In case of a pastoral emergency (anointing of the sick etc.), please call the front office at (907) 349-8388 and follow the prompts.
The calendar below is approximate. Check the bulletin for the latest news & updates.
Remember: if you add our digital calendar to yours, our latest updates will NOT sync to your calendar.